What We’re Eating – May 23 – 27

We had a nice little surprise over the weekend: our refrigerator stopped working…for the second time in a month! We went through the whole DIY fix last time, but it was such a huge ordeal, there is no way we’re going through all that again. So until a technician can come take a look (Friday or Saturday!!!! AGH!!!!), we are surviving with a mini fridge and a deep freezer (located in our non-attached garage). Should be a fun week. 🙂

Anyway, since our cold storage space is limited, we’ll be making several trips to the grocery store this week for our meals. Nevertheless, I’m excited about our menu this week!

Breakfasts: waffles, fruit, yogurt

Lunches: leftovers

Snacks: Fruit, Laughing Cow wedges, hard boiled eggs


Monday – Green Chile Tortilla Pie with a green salad

This Green Chile Tortilla Pie is crowd pleasing and super easy and a little unconventional by using a tortilla as the crust.

Tuesday – Grilled chicken with Bean & Pesto Mash

Bean & pesto mash

Wednesday – One-Pan Sausage and Veggies with a green salad

Thursday – Italian Sausage Stuff Zucchini with rice

Italian Sausage Stuffed Zucchini is a simple, flavorful, and lighter alternative to lasagna. BudgetBytes.com

Friday – Easy Thai Shrimp Soup and Spicy Sriracha Crab with Cucumber Salad

Easy Thai Shrimp Soup - Skip the take-out and try making this at home - it's unbelievably easy and 10000x tastier and healthier!

Spiralized Spicy Sriracha Crab and Cucumber Salad

Yum! I hope wherever you are, the weather is as beautiful as it is in Akron, Ohio!

With love,


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